

* Establishment of the League of Nations.
* Prohibition begins in the United States.
* 19th amendment helps with women suffrage.
* Warren G. Harding voted President.
* Woodrow Wilson wins the Nobel Peace Prize.
* First Radio station opened in the United States.
* First airmail flight.
* Albert Einstein wins Nobel Peace Prize for Physics.
* Johnson and Johnson introduces the band-aid.
* Mrs. W.H. Felton voted first woman senator.
* President Warren Harding dies.
* Lee De Forest demonstrates movies.
* Bulldozer invented.
* Death of Woodrow Wilson.
* First death by a gas chamber in the United States.
* U.S. Congress limits Japanese Immigration.
* Kimberly Clark introduces Kleenex.
* United States Grants full rights to all Native American Indians.
* Calvin Coolidge voted President of the United States.
* Chrysler Corporation founded by Walter P. Chrysler.
* Hitler's Mein Kampf ( My Struggle) published.
* First "motel" opened in California.
* RCA organizes the National Broadcasting Company, the first nation wide radio network, NBC.
* Robert H. Goddard fires the first liquid fuel rocket.
* First pop up toaster invented in the United States.
* Harlem Globetrotters basketball team forms.
* Babe Ruth hits his 60th home run for the New York Yankees.
* First Volvo car manufactured.
* Chaing Kai-shek proclaimed president of China.
* Eruption of Mount Etna.
* Herbert Hoover voted President of the United States.
* "Oscar" awards established
* Kitchen waste disposal invented.
* U.S. Army plane flies 150 hours nonstop.

